I went to the presentation of the architectural event “PLATFORM ARCHTECTURE FESTIVAL 2023” being held in Venice.


At the PLATFORM ARCHTECTURE FESTIVAL 2023 in Venice, an architectural event hosted by the Italian magazine Platform, FUDO’s work Yamanone no ie is on display.
The other day, I gave a presentation at a local venue.
This exhibition is attended by 140 architectural design firms from around the world. It was an exciting day with various projects. I felt once again that the world is wide.
I am grateful to Platform for giving me the opportunity to have a great experience.

▼Presentation scene(Photo by Mattia Finotto)

▼Exhibition scenery

You can check the details of “PLATFORM ARCHTECTURE FESTIVAL 2023” from the URL below.
▷ https://www.platformarchitecture.it/en/platform-architecture-festival-2/